Testing laboratory of VinaCert was set up in 2009. At present, VinaCert’s testing laboratory is invested to extend the infrastructure, equipments in Hanoi and Can Tho.
The testing laboratory is divided into 2 areas: Chemical Testing zone and Biological Testing zone with the total area of 260m2 in Hanoi and 300m2 in Can Tho. The Biological testing zones are scientifically designed according to the path principle of one-way samples and automatic environment control systems. All steps from sample receiving, analysis, logs noting to results returning are performed on software and assigned with high specialization.
A great amount of tests that VinaCert is capable of testing ensures that VinaCert meets most of the needs of tests specified in current international standards and national technical regulations, especially in the field of agricultural materials (animal feeds, fertilizers, plant protection products) and agricultural food. VinaCert uses TCVN, AOAC, FDA,.. test methods.
The test methods and the latest advances in analytical techniques are always updated. With professionally, formally trained staffs and modern equipment, VinaCert entirely can make the clients have confidence in the accuracy of test result reports. Test results of VinaCert provide strong base to register for national technical regulations certification, international standards certification, VietGAP, GlobalG.AP, ASC and MSC certification.

Pictures of Biological Testing zone in VinaCert- Hanoi laboratory

Pictures of Biological Testing zone in VinaCert- Can Tho laboratory
The Chemical Testing division has been investing modern equipments:

Pictures of Chemical Testing zone in VinaCert- Hanoi laboratory

Pictures of Chemical Testing zone in VinaCert- Can Tho laboratory
- Analyzing microbiological pathogens in food, seafood, seafood products, agricultural food products, animal feed, aquaculture feed, drinking water, domestic water, waste water, cosmetics ...to inspect the state of sanitation, pollution and microbiological poisoning such as: the total number of microorganisms, coliform, fecal coliform, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, ...
- Analyzing the microbiological parameters of biological products such as: Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus.
- Macronutrients: protid, lipid, carbohydrat, aminoacid, cellulosic fibers…
- Micronutrients: vitamin, microelements.
- Food additives: preservatives, coloring matters, flavorings and sweeteners; additives enhancing digestion ...
- Residues of antibiotics and other chemicals: chloramphenicol, nitrofurans derivatives, Malachites, Fluoroquinolones group, Sulfonamides group, Tetracyclines group ... in food, seafood, ...
- Residues of Chlor group pesticides, Phosphorus group pesticides, Asteraceae group pesticides, Carbamate group pesticides ...
- Residues of heavy metals: As, Pb, Hg,..
- Residues of plant and animal growth hormones.
- The other toxins: Mycotoxin, Histamin…
- Analyzing chemical and physical components such as: P2O5, total nitrogen, K2O, organic matter, humic acid, ...
- Microelements and heavy metals.
- Analyzing the composition of substances in cattle-feed, cattle-feed materials and aquaculture feed materials such as: protein, fat, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, energy value, digestibility, ..
- Analyzing microelements and heavy metals.
- Analyzing antioxidants (BHT, Ethoxyquin,…)
- Testing antibiotics and chemicals banned or restricted from use in cattle-feed such as: chloramphenicol, Tylosin, malachite green, Lincomycin, Tetracycline ...
- Mycotoxin (Aflatoxin, Zearealenon,…)
Quality of plant protection products
- Analyzing active substance content.
- Analyzing the physical and chemical parameters such as: durability, particle size, dispersion, foam grade, permeability, acidity and alkalinity, ...
Analysis staffs of VinaCert are experienced professional trained in analysis and testing field meeting the requirements of the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025- General requirements for competency of testing and calibration laboratory. Currently, the number of analysts of VinaCert is 40.
VinaCert laboratory is invested with the most modern equipments.
In the field of chemical testing, VinaCert laboratory is equipped with the following facilities:
- LC-MS/MS (Water MicroMass-QUATRO) Liquid chromatography - Mass spectrometry;
- HPLC versatile high pressure liquid chromatography;
- GC Gas Chromatography;
- UV-VIS spectrophotometer;
- MP-AES 4100 microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometer;
- LC-MS/MS (ABSciex – 4500 QTRAP) Liquid chromatography - Mass spectrometry;
- GCMS Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry machine
- UHPLC ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography.
- ICP emission spectroscopy, ELISA plate reader;
Microbiological equipments include:
- Incubators: 30 0C, 37 0C, 41,5 0C, 44 0C;
- Cooled incubators: 25 0C;
- Passbox;
- Autoclaves
- Lab blenders;
- Thermostat water bath;
- Microscope;
The testing laboratory of VinaCert is designated by Plant Protection Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is quality and residues of plant protection products laboratory, designation code: LAS-NN 92. (Decision No. 528/QD-BVTV-QLT and 2581/QD-BVTV-QLT).
The testing laboratory of VinaCert is designated by Department of Livestock Production – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is Animal feed laboratory, designation code: LAS-NN 01. (Decision No. 206/QD-CN-TACN).
The testing laboratory of VinaCert is designated by Department of Cultivation – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is Fertilizers testing laboratory, designation code: PKN-PB 10-08. (Decision No. 291/QD-TT-QLCL).
Ministry of Industry and Trade designated VinaCert is inorganic fertilizer testing organization (Decision No. 4352/QD-BCT)
ð When the products are not have enough quality and safety that will adversely affect health, environment, economic efficiency. So, currently, the government authorities lay down as a policy socializing designated laboratories to enhance the protection of product quality for domestic consumption and import- export.
With this meaningful task, VinaCert laboratory is catching all scientific and technical advances to best meet the requirements of clients with the motto: