Organizational chart of VinaCert Cetification and Inspection Joint Stock Company:

The above abbreviations are explained as follows:  

Board of Directors


Customer Satisfaction

Chaiman of the Board


Supervisor Council

Advisory Council


Administration Deparment

Board of management


Business Department;

Director General;


Finance Department

Certification Director


Laboratory 1

Certification Department;


Laboratory 3

Testing Director;


Branch – Hai Phong

Food Safety Institute


Branch – Da Nang

Center for analysis and inspection of goods quality;


Branch – Sai Gon



Branch – Can Tho



Chairman of the Board of Directors – COB

As the legal representative of VinaCert, fully responsible for the whole activities of the Company, authorizing individuals to be responsible for specific tasks.

COB is responsible for:

Ensuring resources for VinaCert’s activities;

Create a unity block to act in the whole Company;

Ensuring to communicate to the entire organization about the importance of customer and statutory requirements;

Appoint Directors at the request of the General Director;

Building development strategy of the Company; Approve investment projects.

Control Board

Provisions in the Charter of VinaCert Certification and Inspection Joint Stock Company .

Nothing’s Impossible Department

Organizing research and implementation of new fields or activity;

Check and supervise the service provision of the Company;

Perform tasks assigned by COB and report directly to COB;

This department does not have a manager and is under the direct management of COB.

Advisory Council

COB commits to create all necessary conditions for the Council to operate independently and not be affected by the pressure of work and benefits in decisions. Membership council is decided by COB.

Council functions:

Updating legal documents, responsible for disseminating legal documents to all members of the Company concerned;

Building relationships with specialized state management agencies;

Create professional relationships and maintain external expert networks;

Participate in ensuring fairness, objectivity in certification evaluation;

Professional support for departments in the Company.

General Director - CEO

The CEO runs all activities of the Company, is appointed by COB and responsible to the Board of Directors for all its decisions.

General Director has powers:

Operate all activities of the Company, ensuring efficient operation of resources;

Approve the operation plan, personnel staffing, organizational structure, budget plans of blocks, divisions, branches;

Appointment of the Head of the Department at the proposal of the Directors;

Approve the salary and bonus for fulfillment of duties of the sections that have not been authorized in the company's regulations;

Ensure that the necessary management system processes and procedures are established, implemented and maintained; Approval of quality manuals and equivalent documents;

Approve service business contracts for the whole company;

Business administration and market development; Identify market access by region or sector for Sales / Branch departments to perform business functions;

Approving customer policies for each service product.

Directly manage and operate: Office, Finance Department, Sales Department, Branches, Institute of Food Safety and Analysis Center;

Perform other tasks assigned by COB.

Certification Director (GDCN)

The GDCN is appointed by COB at the request of the General Director and is responsible to the Board of Directors for its decisions within the scope of decentralized and authorized work.

The functions of the GDCN:

a) Comprehensive management and administration of certification service provision;

b) Maintaining effective ISO/IEC 17021 management systems; ISO/IEC 17065; ISO/TS 22003 recognized;

c) Manage the expert's activities;

d) Improving the quality of certification services, making VinaCert an ASEAN regional certification organization.

Functions of the Inspection Director:

a) Manage and comprehensively administer the provision of import and export inspection services, and import goods quality inspection services;

b) Maintain an effective management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020 and ensure compliance with relevant legal regulations;  

c) Promote VinaCert 's Inspection service on developments.

Testing Director - GDTN

GDTN is appointed by COB at the request of the CEO and is responsible to the Board of Directors for its decisions.

Functions of GDTN:

a) Manage and administer the Company's testing service provision;

b) Building the test brand of VinaCert on domestic and international markets;

c) The focal point to coordinate with other divisions to implement the objectives of the Company;

d) Plan, organize and develop testing block according to the Company's orientation.

Administration Department (AD)

AD has Chief of Office responsible to the General Director within the scope of work assigned and authorized. The Chief of Office is selected and appointed by the General Director. The office may have the Deputy Chief of the Office assisting the Chief of the Office.

Functions and duties of AD:

a) Be the focal point to receive information for the General Director to operate the Company. Ensuring the necessary resources for the operations of the Company to be smooth and effective;

b) Assist the General Director in drafting and issuing documents; Record and save minutes of collective meetings of the Company to monitor and urge the implementation;

c) Advising the CEO on personnel policy. Human resource planning according to the development orientation of the Company;

d) Presiding over human resource management activities: Ensuring human resources for the activities of the Company; Human resource recruitment management; Being the focal point to synthesize and build human resource capacity framework, build a system of KPIs in accordance with the development objectives of the departments; Planning training, implementing training and post-training assessment for all departments; Take charge and cooperate with departments to effectively manage and use human resources;

e) Managing personnel records and insurance for the whole Company; Update the list of employees throughout the Company, pass to all members when there is a change; Organize health checks for employees of the Company;

f) To be responsible for the law of the Company to related parties; Manage, update capacity records of the Company;

g) Ensure that the internal communication system throughout the Company is always smooth;

h) Network and server system administration of the Company; Managing work management software; Information management on the Web;

i) Ensure smooth communication, the focal point to provide information to customers and relevant agencies;

j) The focal point to collect and manage information inside and outside the Company relating to all activities of VinaCert. Take charge of resolving customer complaints and complaints;

k) Managing clerical and archiving work; Receive, issue and store outgoing-to-process documents;

l) Document management: Translation of external documents, internal documents; Managing software document electronic libraries throughout the Company; Document library administration;

m) Communication activities: Manage communication tools, design, demo for web activities; Organize communication activities, promote the company's brand; Perform internal communication;

n) Implementation of administrative administration, management, use and guidance on the use of facilities, assets, facilities, and working equipment (except for testing machines and equipment). Ensuring material, technical and administrative conditions for the operations at the Head Office. Public house management;

o) Procurement of equipment, stationery for departments / divisions;

p) Organizing logistics to receive guests, meetings, conferences, training ...;

q) Manage and operate shuttle buses, pick up staff and guests according to the work requirements of the Company; Organize regional assessments managed by the Office (Area I).

Finance Department

The Finance Department has a Head of Department cum Chief Accountant who is responsible to the General Director within the scope of work assigned and authorized. Chief Financial Officer selected and appointed by the General Director.

Functions and duties of FD:

a) Ensure financial resources for the company's operations;

b) Debt control, fund management;

c) Asset management, tools and equipment;

d) Summarize and pay salary and bonus for task completion; KPI bonus;

e) Make payment documents for internal customers and partners;

f) Transfer certificates and test results to customers after debt comparison;

g) Bank transactions, tax authorities;

h) Prepare financial statements, tax reports.

Certification Department - CD

CD has a Head of Certification Department who is responsible to the IRC within the scope of work assigned and authorized. Head of PCN is appointed by the CEO at the request of the Head Office. The PCN may have the Deputy Manager assisting the Chief Certification Officer.

CD's functions and duties:

a) Maintaining effective management systems related to certification;

b) Organize the implementation, inspection and supervision of assessment and certification activities according to the established process;

c) Manage the professional performance of the assessor;

d) Take charge of organizing the implementation of assessment programs according to the respective process;

e) Verify documents of certification evaluation before submitting them for certification;

f) Verify documents for certification of food conformity and submit it to the FSI Director for approval;

g) Take charge of developing and verify certification documents before issuing;

h) Update customer data after each audit;

i) Make a request to organize the assessment to move the Office, branches for implementation;

j) Make periodic or irregular reports on certification status in each field;

k) Take charge of training activities for staff of Certification Department (planning, organizing training, evaluating after training).

Business Department (BD)

The Business Department has a Head of Sales who is responsible to the General Director within the scope of work assigned and authorized. The Chief of Sales is selected and appointed by the General Director.

Functions and duties of BD

a) Directly looking for customers using the business service fields of the Company in area I (from Ha Tinh upwards);

b) Negotiate and agree on service provision contracts with customers who have been found;

c) Instruct customers to complete certification requests, test requests and transfer all documents to relevant departments to provide services to customers;

d) Receive feedbacks from customers;

e) The organization awarding the certificate to the customer (if necessary).

Customer Service Department (CSD)

Functions and responsibilities of CSD:

1. Supporting sales staff to complete administrative procedures (back sale);

2. Receipt of complaints, grievances, and review requests;

3. Organizing customer satisfaction assessment;

4. To assume the prime responsibility for the provision of online services (online sales);

5. To propose, organize the implementation of customer care policies;

6. Presiding over searching, evaluating and selecting subcontractors to test to meet the company's operational requirements.

7. Perform duties assigned by the  Chairman of the Board of Directors (COB) and report directly to (COB) . 

The Customer Care Department  does not have a manager and is under the direct management of (COB) .

Laboratory - PTN1, PTN3

The laboratory has the following functions:

a) The analysis center/lab under VinaCert has the Center Director / Lab Manager responsible before the law and the Board of Directors for his / her decisions within the authorized scope of work. The Center / Lab has technical managers and a number of Deputy Directors / Deputy Directors assisting the Director.

b) The laboratory will have staff in charge of the quality management system and technicians in charge of the laboratory. In addition to other responsibilities, these 2 positions have powers as assigned by COB and are provided with the necessary resources by VinaCert to carry out their responsibilities, including the responsibility to establish, execute, and maintain. and improve the quality management system of the laboratory. In addition, these two officers will detect deviations from the management system or deviation from testing procedures and take the necessary actions to eliminate, prevent or minimize that difference.

c) Top management ensures that all employees of the lab are not subject to commercial, financial, or other internal or external pressure or other influences that may adversely affect public quality. testing. Every year, all staff of the lab will sign an agreement committing to understand the conflict of interest agreement and fully comply with the requirements of the agreement; and to the best of our knowledge there is no potential conflict of interest that has not been reported to the Company;

d) The top leaders of VinaCert and the lab are well aware that there are many factors affecting the accuracy and reliability of the test results conducted by the laboratory. From there, the laboratory develops processes, procedures, records and uses records of human factors, environmental conditions and amenities, test methods used, validation and approving methods, guiding internal equipment calibration, building standard metrological links, handling test samples to achieve the desired stable test quality. 

e) Top management VinaCert and Lab also understand very well that the extent to which factors can affect the measurement uncertainty (SDR) of the tests carried out by the laboratory. In the process of developing and applying tests and testing procedures, in staff training, recruiting staff, and in the selection of equipment, procurement of materials and services, the laboratory will weigh Referring to these factors and the degree of their influence on the results of the test conducted by the laboratory.

f) The Head of the Lab and COB ensure to provide enough resources for the laboratory's activities, especially human resources. The lab will try to always employ employees who are contracted to work full time for the lab. However, when necessary, the lab can employ employees who are contracted for short term. In case the lab employs short-term hired staff, additional technical staff or key support staff, the Head of the Lab will ensure those staff are supervised and they have the necessary qualifications to perform the work. assigned work; At the same time, they must ensure they work to comply with the requirements of the QMS developed and implemented by the lab.

g) Organization of testing activities complying with the requirements of ISO 17025, satisfying customer needs and meeting statutory and regulatory requirements of authorities and organizations. provide acknowledgment, accreditation; in addition, the laboratory does not engage in any activities that could reduce the level of confidence in the capacity, fairness, objectivity, honesty, and impartiality of the laboratory.

h) The laboratory's management system will be applied to all tests, testing activities conducted at fixed locations in the laboratory.

i) Receive the sample and carry out the tests, returning the results with the required test pieces.

j) Receive, preserve and send samples to testing and testing establishments, and receive test results from subcontractors for submitted samples.

k) Participate in resolving customer complaints within its jurisdiction;

l) Perform other duties as assigned by COB.

VAIQ Analysis Center

The Analysis Center has a Director of the Center who is responsible for all activities of the Center according to the Charter established before the General Director. The Center Director is selected and appointed by the General Director. The Center has a number of Vice Center Directors who are responsible for assisting the Center Director. The Analysis Center has its own organizational structure to perform the following functions and tasks:

VAIQ Analysis Center functions and duties:

a) Organize the implementation of specific testing activities, under the direction of the CEO;

b) organize the implementation of testing activities in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025;

c) Scientific research and technological development for analysis and assessment activities.

Functions and duties of the Inspection Department:

a) Conducting assessment of the quality conformity of imported and exported goods (animal feed, aqua feed, fertilizer, ...);

b) Receive and deploy export and import goods inspection services according to customer requirements;

c) To provide professional guidance to the Branches in operation;

d) Summarize the inspection results and report to the authorities according to regulations;

e) Monitoring assessment and inspection debts.

Food Safety Institute - FSI

FSI has a director responsible for all activities of the Institute in accordance with the By-Laws. The president is selected and appointed by COB. FSI has a number of Deputy Directors who are responsible for assisting the Director. FSI has its own organizational structure to perform the following functions and tasks:

Functions and duties of FSI:

a) Manage and implement activities of scientific research and technology development on food safety;

b) Presiding over providing services of regulation conformity certification for food;

c) Exchange of scientific and technological information; Domestic and international cooperation on food safety;

d) Test production of food products as a result of research;

e) Organizing research and development of other services of the Company;

f) Provide information about quality standards for the entire Company and related partners.

Hai Phong Branch - HP

Hai Phong Branch has a Branch Director who is responsible to the General Director for the assigned and authorized work. Director of Hai Phong Branch is appointed by the Chairman of the Board at the request of the General Director. Hai Phong Branch has a Deputy Director of the Branch assisting the Branch Director.

Functions and duties of Hai Phong Branch:

a) Conducting assessment of the quality conformity of export import goods in Hai Phong region;

b) Receive and deploy goods inspection services for import and export goods at the request of customers;

c) Summarize the results of assessing the quality conformity of import and export goods and report to the Chief of Inspection Department;  

d) Keep track of liabilities arising at the Branch;

e) Ensuring the hygiene, security, order, working environment… of the Branch.

Da Nang Branch - DN

DN has a Branch Director who is responsible to the General Director for the assigned and authorized work. DN Director was appointed by COB at the request of CEO.

Functions and duties of DN:

a) Representing the Company in the Central region (from Ha Tinh to the end of Ninh Thuan and the Central Highlands provinces), responsible for performing professional work and vertical coordination of specialized departments. subject;

b) Conducting assessment of the quality conformity of export import goods in Da Nang;

c) Receive and deploy goods inspection services for import and export goods at the request of customers;

d) Synthesize the results of assessing the quality conformity of import and export goods and report to the Head of Director;

e) Track debts arising at the Branch;

f) Performing PR, marketing and customer care operations in the Central region under the professional management of the department;

g) Organize logistics to receive guests, meetings, conferences, and training courses at the Branch;

h) Organize the assessment according to PCN's request;

i) Ensuring the hygiene, security, order, working environment… of the Branch.

Ho Chi Minh Branch - SG

Saigon Branch (HCM) has a Director who is responsible to the CEO for the assigned and authorized work. SG Director is appointed by COB at the request of CEO. SG has the Deputy Director of the Branch assisting the Branch Director. The Branch Deputy Director is appointed by the General Director at the request of the Branch Director.

Functions and duties of SG:

a) Representing the Company in the South-Central Coast and Southeast regions, including Binh Phuoc and Lam Dong and the provinces north of Tien River. Responsible for the execution of the professional work and the vertical coordination of the professional departments;

b) Finding and taking care of customers using the business service fields of the Company in the Region II (from Quang Binh onwards);

c) Negotiating service provision contracts with customers who have been searched;

d) Instruct customers to complete certification requests, test requirements and transfer all documents to relevant departments to provide services to customers;

e) Receive feedback from customers;

f) The organization awarding the certificate to the customer (if necessary);

g) Conducting assessment of import and export quality conformity assessment, quality assessment of import and export goods in the South;

h) Summarize results of operation, periodically or irregularly report to Head of professional division as prescribed;

i) Ensuring the smooth operation of material, technical and administrative conditions at the branch; Carry out administrative administration, manage, use and instruct the use of facilities, assets, means and equipment (except for testing machines and equipment);

j) Procurement of equipment and stationery for PTN3 and Branches;

k) Organize logistics to receive guests, meetings, conferences, and training courses at the branch;

l) Organize the assessments as required by the PCN;

m) Ensuring the hygiene, security, order, working environment, ... of the Branch;

n) Manage administrative personnel working at the Branch; 

o) Monitoring the service liabilities arising at the Branch.

Can Tho Branch - CT

Can Tho Branch has a Branch Director who is responsible to the General Director for the assigned and authorized work. Director of Can Tho Branch is appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the request of the General Director.

Functions and duties of Can Tho Branch:

a) To perform the administrative administration, management, use and guide the use of facilities, assets, means and equipment (except for testing machines and equipment);

b) Ensuring material, technical and administrative conditions for the branch's operations;

c) Organize logistics to receive guests, meetings, conferences, and training courses at the Branch;  

d) Ensuring the hygiene, working environment of the Branch.

Head Office
Add: 130 Nguyen Duc Canh Str, Tuong Mai Ward, Hoang Mai Dist., Ha Noi City
Tel: (+84 ) 243 634 1933
Fax: (+84 )243 634 1137
Hai Phong Branch
Add: 22 Doan Xa Str, Dong Hai 1 Ward, Hai An Dist., Hai Phong City
Tel: (+84 ) 225.376.9387
Fax: (+84 ) 225.376.9388
Da Nang Branch
Add: No.702, Daisy House Building, 219-221 Han Thuyen Street, Hai Chau Dist., Da Nang City
Tel: (+84 ) 023 662 77011
Ho Chi Minh Branch
Add: 26 Le Van Mien Street, Thao Dien Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84 ) 283.514.7353
Fax: (+84 ) 283.514.7351
VAIQ-Analysis Center
Add: 2-63, 6 Road, 586 Zone, Phu Thu, Cai Rang Dist., Can Tho City
Tel: (+84 ) 292.391.7479
Fax: (+84 ) 292.388.1749
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