Circle represents the general characteristics such as: perfect, uniformity, no segregation and division. Circular motion is perfect, there are no beginning, no end, no distortion. All these characteristics symbolize eternity of time.
The circle also symbolizes the fullness, balance and unity. In addition, it also suggests many interesting images of the sun and the earth. Accordingly, the sun is close and familiar with people. It brings a warm feeling, success and victory. Earth represents a global operation.
VinaCert always aims for eternal success and reaching the worldwide market .
Words “VinaCert Inspection”
It is written by strong and powerful uppercase font. The slender and bold writings creates both certain & flexible and solid & stable. Strong lines combined with soft rounded corners brings new feelings, creativity & impressiveness.
Panicle image
Two yellow rice-paddies are symmetrical, bending along the glide angle of the circle. It is the symbol of agricultural industry, representing a the long tradditional culture, promoting the spirit of Vietnamese people. Paddy also symbolizes the vitality of VietNam in general and VinaCert in particular.
The panicle imagery is reminiscent of prosperity, peace and happiness
Arrow Symbol
It is one of the highest meaningful symbols. Arrow imagery always urges us to keep moving forward, creates the feeling of reaching the top and the conquest. This means the development, the future and reaching increasingly higher goals.
The Image of horse
The livelines of logo is improved by the symbol of the horse set in the center position. The horse is not only the most loyal animal but also a symbol of the persistence and patience. The horse can bring good luck, fortune. The image of the horse symbolizes prosperity in business.
The color of the logo
The dominant color of the logo is cyan. This is a color combination of green and yellow.
Green is known as the color of nature, plants, expression of the movement, continuous development. Green is the color that symbolizes freshness, vitality, hope, creating peace, confidence. Yellow symbolizes the center, power and wealth.
The to-color combination brings a sense of overflowing vitality, showing growth & continuous development bring to our customers the best quality services. That is the strong belief showing great vision of VinaCert.
The color used in the central area is dark blue symbolizing stablility, steadiness, certainty.
The Layout
Symbols and the name of VinaCert trademark which are balanced, symmetrical on both vertical and horizontal representing the long-term and permanence, expressing confidence and safety when customers choose the brand VinaCert.